
The Committee on Finance, Budget and Appropriation.  This committee shall be composed of not more than five (5) members, including its Chairman and Vice Chairman, to which shall be referred all matters or questions pertaining to or connected with the following:

                                                                    i.            Local taxes, fees and charges
                                                                  ii.            Loans and other sources of local revenues
                                                                iii.            Annual and supplemental budgets
                                                                iv.            Appropriation ordinances
                                                                  v.            All other matters related to local taxation and fiscal administration
                  Hon. Apolinar C. Cleope          -         Chairperson
                  Hon. Peter C. Recidoro            -         Vice-Chairperson
                  Hon. Ciriaco T. Feliciano          -         Member
                        Hon. Crispino P. Beltran           -         Member

Committee on Women, Children and Family.  This committee shall be composed of not more than five (5) members, including its Chairman and Vice Chairman, to which shall be referred all matters or questions pertaining to or connected with the following:

                                                                    i.            Women’s welfare, rights and privileges
                                                                  ii.            Women’s organizations
                                                                iii.            Children’s welfare, rights and privileges
                                                                iv.            Family welfare, rights and privileges
                                                                  v.            All other matters related to women, children and family

                  Hon. Sylvia V. Yasa               -           Chairperson
                  Hon. Inocentes F. Bantigue, Jr. -        Vice-Chairperson
                  Hon. Joselito C. Delos Reyes -           Member
                  Hon. Patrick F. Lachica          -           Member

Committee on Youth and Sports Development. This committee shall be composed of not more than five (5) members, including its Chairman and Vice Chairman, to which shall be referred all matters or questions pertaining to or connected with the following:

                                                                                i.            Sport development
                                                                              ii.            Youth welfare and development

                  Hon. Jon Mel Kester M. Rebenito     -           Chairperson
                  Hon. Patrick F. Lachica                     -           Vice-Chairperson
                  Hon. Roberto A. Cuare                     -           Member
                  Hon. Inocentes F. Bantigue, Jr.          -        Member

Committee on Environmental Protection, Fisheries and AgricultureThis committee shall be composed of not more than five (5) members, including its Chairman and Vice Chairman, to which shall be referred all matters or questions pertaining to or connected with the following:

                                                                                      i.      Environmental protection
                                                                                    ii.      Air and water pollution
                                                                                  iii.      Wanton destruction of the environment and its natural resources
                                                                                  iv.      All matters or measures affecting the environment
                                                                                  v.      Agricultural and fishery production
                                                                                 vi.      Agricultural and fishery inputs
                                                                               vii.      Agricultural and fishery facilities
                                                                              viii.      Development of agri-business enterprises
                                                                                  ix.      All other matters related to agriculture, including plants and animals
                  Hon. Peter C. Recidoro          -           Chairman
                        Hon.  Apolinar C. Cleope       -           Vice Chairperson
                        Hon. Crispino P. Beltran, Jr.   -           Member
                        Hon. Patrick F. Lachica          -           Member

Committee on Rules, Privileges, Ordinances and Legal Matters. This committee shall be composed of not more than five (5) members, including its Chairman and Vice Chairman, to which shall be referred all matters or question pertaining to or connected with the following:

                                                                                      i.      Sanggunian Internal Rules and violations thereof
                                                                                    ii.      Order of Business and Calendar of business
                                                                                  iii.      Disorderly conduct of members and investigation thereof
                                                                                  iv.      Privileges of members
                                          v.      Enactment, revision or amendment of all kinds of ordinances except appropriation ordinance
                                                                                  vi.      Exercise of legislative powers (taxing power, police power, corporate powers and proprietary rights)
                                                                                vii.      Legality of proposed measures to be acted upon by the Sanggunian
                                                                              viii.      Review of ordinances and certain resolutions submitted by lower level LGUs

                        Hon. Apolinar C. Cleope                    -           Chairperson
                        Hon. Peter c. Recidoro                       -           Vice Chairperson
                        Hon. Joselito C. Delos Reyes -           -           Member
                        Hon. Ciriaco T. Feliciano                    -           Member

Committee on Human Rights, Peace and Order and Public Safety. This committee shall be composed of not more than five (5) members, including its Chairman and Vice Chairman, to which shall be referred all matters or question pertaining to or connected with the following:

                                                                                      i.      Human Rights
                                                                                    ii.      Prevention of Human Rights violation
                                                                                  iii.      Police matters
                                                                                  iv.      Maintenance of peace and order
                                                                                    v.      Protective services
                                                                                  vi.      Traffic rules and regulations
                                                                                vii.      Fire prevention and control measures
                                                                              viii.      Public morals
                                                                                  ix.      All others matters related to human rights, peace and order and public safety

                        Hon. Joselito C. Delos Reyes             -           Chairperson
                        Hon. Ciriaco T. Feliciano                    -           Vice Chairperson
                        Hon. Peter C. Recidoro                      -           Member
                        Hon. Patrick F. Lachica                      -           Member

Committee on Health and Social Services. This committee shall be composed of not more than five (5) members, including its Chairman and Vice Chairman, to which shall be referred all matters or question pertaining to or connected with the following:

                                                                                      i.      Health, sanitation or hygiene
                                                                                    ii.      Cleanliness and beautification of the community
                                                                                  iii.      Proposed measures related to hospitals, health centers and health programs
                                                                                  iv.      All maters related to health
                                                                                   v.      Labor, employment and man power development
                                                                                  vi.      Socio-economic planning, programming and development
                                                                                vii.      Social welfare and ameliorative services
                        Hon. Inocentes F. Bantigue, Jr.          -           Chairman
                        Hon. Ciriaco T. Feliciano                    -           Vice Chairperson
                        Hon. Sylvia V. Yasa                           -           Member
                  Hon. Patrick F. Lachica                      -           Member

Committee on Education, Culture, the Arts and Tourism. This committee shall be composed of not more than five (5) members, including its Chairman and Vice Chairman, to which shall be referred all matters or question pertaining or connected with the following:

                                                                                      i.      Formal and non-formal education
                                                                                    ii.      Educational facilities
                                                                                  iii.      Promotion of culture, the arts and tourism
                                                                                  iv.      Operation of educational institutions, both private and public
                                                                                    v.      All matters related to education and culture
                                    Hon. Patrick F. Lachica                      -           Chairperson
                                    Hon. Apolinar C. Cleope                    -           Vice Chairperson
                                    Hon. Sylvia V. Yasa                           -           Member
                                    Hon. Ciriaco T. Feliciano                    -           Member

Committee on Market and Slaughterhouse, Trade and Industry. This committee shall be composed of not more than five (5) members, including its Chairman and Vice Chairman, to which shall be referred all matters or question pertaining to or connected with the following:

                                                                                      i.      Administration/operation of the public market and slaughterhouse 
                                                                                    ii.      Measure pertaining to market rental fees and other market and slaughterhouse charges
                                                                                  iii.      Improvement of market facilities and it premises
                                                                                  iv.      Enactment/revision of the market code
                                                                                    v.      All other matters related to market and slaughterhouse administration

                                    Hon. Sylvia V. Yasa                           -           Chairperson
                                    Hon. Ciriaco T. Feliciano                   -           Vice Chairperson
                                    Hon. Apolinar C. Cleope                    -           Member
                                    Hon. Joselito C. Delos Reyes             -           Member

Committee on Cooperatives, Civil Society Organizations and Private Sector Organizations.  This committee shall be composed of not more than five (5) members, including its Chairman and Vice Chairman, to which shall be referred all matters or question pertaining to or connected with the following:       

                                                                    i.            Cooperatives organization and development
                                                                  ii.            Civil Society and Private Sectors organization and development
                                                                iii.            Incentives to cooperatives and CSO’s and PSO’s
                                                                iv.            All matters affecting the cooperative, CSO’s and PSO’s development program of the government

                                    Hon. Inocentes F. Bantigue, Jr.           -           Chairperson
                                    Hon. Peter C. Recidoro                      -           Vice Chairperson
                                    Hon. Crispino Beltran, Jr.                   -           Member
                                    Hon. Roberto A. Cuare                      -           Member

Committee on Transportation and Communications. This committee shall be composed of not more than five (5) members, including its Chairman and Vice Chairman, to which shall be referred all matters or question pertaining to or connected with the following:  
                                                                    i.            Land and water transportation services
                                                                  ii.            The telecommunication and other forms of communication services
                                                                iii.            Franchising regulations

Hon. Ciriaco T. Feliciano-       -           Chairperson
Hon. Crispino P. Beltran         -           Vice Chairperson
Hon. Patrick F. Lachica          -           Member
Hon. Joselito C. Delos Reyes -           Member

Committee on Public Works and Infrastructure. This committee shall be composed of not more than five (5) members, including its Chairman and Vice Chairman, to which shall be referred all matters or question pertaining to or connected with the following:       

                                                                                  i.      Construction, maintenance and repair of roads, bridges   and other government infrastructure projects
                                                                                  ii.      Measures that pertain to drainage and sewerage system and similar projects
                                                                                 iii.      All other matters related to public works and infrastructure projects
                                                                                 iv.      Housing program
                                                                                  v.      Subdivision development/real state development
                                                                                vi.      Measure pertaining to land uses
                                                                              vii.      Zonification or Zoning Code enactment
                                                                            viii.      Squatter problems
                                                                                ix.      All matters related to housing and land utilization
                                    Hon. Crispino P. Beltran                     -           Chairperson
                                    Hon. Apolinar C. Cleope                    -           Vice Chairperson
                                    Hon. Ciriaco T. Feliciano                    -           Member
                                    Hon. Joselito C. Delos Reyes             -           Member

Committee on Barangay Affairs. This committee shall be composed of not more than five (5) members, including its Chairman and Vice Chairman, to which shall be referred all matters or question pertaining to or connected with the following:

                                                                                      i.      Naming or renaming of barangays;
                                                                                    ii.      Review of barangays ordinances and executive orders issued by the Punong Barangay;
                                                                                  iii.      All matters pertaining to Barangay government affairs

Hon. Roberto A. Cuare                             -           Chairperson
                                    Hon. Crispino P. Beltran                            -           Vice Chairperson
                                    Hon. Jon Mel Kester A. Rebenito              -           Member
                                    Hon. Joselito C. Delos Reyes                     -           Member

Oversight Committee. This committee shall be chaired by the Presiding Officer and shall be composed of not more than five (5) members, including its Chairman and Vice Chairman, to which shall be referred all matters or question pertaining to or connected with the following:

                                                                                      i.      Review and evaluation of enacted ordinances for various developmental programs and the allocation of necessary fund requirements
                                                                                    ii.      Oversight function on certain executive branched tasked through an ordinances to implement or prosecute certain programs and projects
                                                                                  iii.      All matters pertaining to Sanggunian oversight

Hon. Roman R. Villaruel                    -           Chairperson
Hon. Apolinar C. Cleope                    -           Vice Chairperson
Hon. Ciriaco T. Feliciano                    -           Member
Hon. Joselito C. Delos Reyes -           -           Member

Ways and Means Committee. This committee shall be chaired by the Presiding Officer and shall be composed of not more than five (5) members, including its Chairman and Vice Chairman, to which shall be referred all matters or question pertaining to or connected with all matters of general or special importance that are not regularly covered by any standing committees

Hon. Roman R. Villaruel                    -           Chairperson
Hon. Peter C. Recidoro                      -           Vice Chairperson
Hon. Patrick F. Lachica                      -           Member
Hon. Crispino P. Beltran, Jr.               -           Member