Monday, July 17, 2017

Patrocinio A. Lachica Integrated School (Formerly Cortes Integrated School) Cort

The latest ordinance enacted by the Sangguniang Bayan of Balete, Aklan (July 6, 2017; approved by the Mayor on July 17, 2017) is to honor the memory of the lot donor of the school site herein named and renamed. 
Cortes Integrated School then. 

ORDINANCE NO. 063, S. 2017



The Sangguniang Barangay of Cortes, Balete, Aklan recommended to the Sangguniang Bayan the request of the GPTA of Cortes Integrated School to rename the school in honor of the lot donor and to ingrain a spirit of gratitude in the consciousness of the later generations who are now benefiting the gratuitous act made several decades ago. The late Patrocinio A. Lachica served the people of Balete, Aklan (Capiz then) as Municipal Councilor from 1946-1955 as the Vice Mayor thereof when Aklan separated from Capiz in 1956. He served in such capacity until 1959. In 1954, while serving as Municipal Councilor, he donated 10,000 square meters lot in the upland barrio of Cortes to serve as site for Corte Primary School which later elevated to become Cortes Integrated School that now cater complete elementary and secondary education to pupils and students from the upland barangays of Cortes, Guanko and Oquendo. The honoree was a WWII Veteran and a bronze awardee with an Asiatic Pacific Campaign Medal.

In compliance to the provisions of the Revised Guidelines in the approval or disapproval in the naming and renaming of streets, plazas, public schools, etc., the Municipal School Board of the Municipality of Balete, Aklan has adopted in March 7, 2017 a resolution endorsing the renaming of the said school into “Patrocinio A. Lachica Integrated School.  Then, on May 26, 2017, the National Historical Commission of the Philippines through Acting Executive Director Ludovico D. Badoy expressed its no objection to the proposal although recommended that the old name, “which has been sanctified by usage by the residents of the community, be placed underneath the new name in the signage as follows:

(Formerly Cortes Integrated School)

Section 13(e)) of the Local Government Code of 1991 expressly grants power to the local Sanggunian to change the name of a public school within its jurisdiction only upon the recommendation of the Local School Board concerned.


Be it ordained by the Sangguniang Bayan that:

Section 1. Cortes Integrated School located in Barangay Cortes, Balete, Aklan is hereby renamed into Patrocinio A. Lachica Integrated School (formerly Cortes Integrated School).

Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect 15 days after its posting in conspicuous places in the municipality.  

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