The Honorable Roman R. Villaruel, Vice Mayor and presiding officer, and the Secretary to the Sanggunian attended yesterday's (July 5, 2011) Regional Forum on Transparency and Accountability in Local Governance at the Iloilo Grand Hotel, Iloilo City. Mayor Bobby was not able to attend the occasion as he has committed ahead to attend to a very important litigation involving the stake of the LGU on the Balete Public Market.
On a short notice (one week prior), the DILG which is the organizer of the said forum, invited the LGU officials to present a PowerPoint presentation of not more than 20-minutes highlighting the impact and the opportunities brought by the Seal of Good Housekeeping (SGH)/Performance Challenge Fund (PCF) among the local officials and the Baleten-on constituents at large. The organizer further specified the formula of the presentation (to guide us in threading the "Tuwid na Landas") which is as follows:
5 minutes of the LGU backgrounded;
5 minutes on the impact of PCF/SGH to officials and constituents;
5 minutes on the status of PCF project implementation; and another
5 minutes on the opportunities to maximize SHG/PCF impact.
We were informed that no less than the Secretary of the DILG will grace the occasion. Thus, in response to the invitation, we hurriedly came up with a photo-story to show the impact of such program in our municipality.
We opted of
showing--instead of
telling what we've done as we deemed all the audience to such forum to be well-informed and are tired of "hearing" stories of success. We wanted to make an impression and we deemed too that 20-minute PowerPoint presentation will surely bore the audience. Sure enough, when we arrived at the venue, we came unnoticed. All were talking, everyone wanting to be heard. We were not even given a copy of the program. But we understand. We hold no grudges for such lapses. Later, we learned that we were the last to present--we who came from far-off place (a 3 and half hours one-way ride--we boarded a Ceres Bus around 5 in the morning and we're standing all the way to Iloilo as the bus was jump packed with commuters)--and were convinced that we made the right decision of doing away with the "telling".
The whole morning affair is typical of a forum. Lots of talking. All came with opinions. What impressed me most is that very brief message of Dr. Mayer of GIZ (
Duetsche Gesellschalft fur Internationale Zusammerarbeit) who urged the pubic and civil servants (and technocrats) from refraining using too technical terms in communicating with the ordinary folks. Such is the first step to be taken if we wanted to be transparent and accountable, to generate their participation and active involvement in effecting change in their communities.
The attendees were thus weary and tired after lunch that most fell sleepy for the afternoon session--the presentation of the municipalities of Anilao and Balete--the only two municipalities on Region 6 to have won the 2010 Seal of Good Housekeeping Awards. Precisely that when it was our turn to present, they were glad and appreciative when Vice Mayor Villaruel announced that he won't be engaging them in boring narratives but for the 10 brief minutes, he will show them what Balete did for the PCF.
Copy of the photo story is uploaded in YouTube and can be viewed and downloaded at this link:
The photo story we presented, modesty aside, made an impression and even enchanted many. All of the sudden, we who came in discreetly and unnoticed were suddenly thrust into the spotlight. A few mustered enough courage to have "photo opps" with us, asked for our cell phone numbers and sought to have a copy of the presentation we made.
All the photos found in the photo story were culled from the stock files of the various offices of the LGU. The MPDC staff rushed off onsite to update the documentation. The graphics were hastily done by this writer and by SB Patrick Lachica. The artworks were by Baleten-on artist Cip Lachica. The soundtracks were the Fairytale and One by One of Enya and a sax rendition of As the Deer by Bro. John.